Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dear Editor,
I would like to bring up the topic of California’s Proposition 8 which has been rising up a lot of issues lately, especially for the gay community of Vermont. Proposition 8 was a ballet that was passed in November of 2008 which is in favor of banning gay marriage in the state of California. The gay community in Vermont is very strong, and to have this prop passed created serious havoc. Many law suits have been filed against this and it becoming a big issue. Personally I feel that it is very unfair to have even have made such a proposition. Marriage is something sacred that should be shared with everyone no matter their sexual preference. Today more and more people have been coming out and they should be able to feel comfortable and treated equally in their own state. California is a big state and may have influence on what other states choose to do. Gay rights are not to be looked over, and I feel that maybe if more marketing of the communities’ activities and awareness presentation was made people will stop discriminating against gay individuals and take the time to learn more. I know every year there is a big parade through downtown Burlington, Vermont and if that is promoted more, hopefully it will make a difference.

Thank you for reading,
Katherine McGrath

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